Comparison Hou Po Wen Zhong Tang “Magnolia Bark Decoction for Warming the Middle” and Liang Fu Wan “Galangal and Cyperus Pill”

Hou Po Wen Zhong Tang and Liang Fu Wan both warm the middle jiao, regulate qi, and relieve pain.

Hou Po Wen Zhong Tang emphasizes warming the middle jiao, dispelling cold, and drying dampness. This formula treats both Spleen and Stomach. Dampness has a sticky and greasy character, while cold is constricting and stagnating by nature. Combined, these factors slow the circulation of qi and disrupt the ascending and descending functions of the Spleen and the Stomach. As a result, abdominal fullness and pain, poor appetite, and lethargy manifest. Because the emphasis of this formula is on warming the middle jiao, it is also effective in treating nausea, vomiting, and epigastric pain resulting from cold invading the Stomach.

Liang Fu Wan also warms the middle jiao and regulates qi, but focuses on treating the Spleen and Liver. It activates qi circulation, soothes the Liver, dispels cold, and stops pain. It is designed to treat epigastric pain and vomiting caused by Liver qi or cold invading the Stomach. Clinical manifestations include epigastric pain, vomiting, and sometimes chest and hypochondriac pain.

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