Archive for Chinese Herbs

Closing this Blog

Hello friends and followers of maduixasalvatge,

I’m no longer going to post in this Blog. I’m starting a new one that you can follow at Nueces Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine website


I have already posted two articles, please have a look, I hope you enjoy them:

Nueces for the Love of your Heart

Benefits of whole herbs

I graduated from the Texas Health and Science University last April 2014 and I’m starting my acupuncture practice.

Best wishes for you all,


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How Do You Treat Tennis Elbow in Your Practice?

“How Do You Treat Tennis Elbow in Your Practice?” is the tittle of an article published at the journal Medical Acupuncture where medical doctors explained their approach/treatments with acupuncture for tennis elbow. The article appeared on volume 22, 2010, under the section “medical pearls”. The following is by Peter T. Dorsher, MD, MS:

The issue in tennis elbow is stagnation in an area between Large Intestine and Triple Energizer meridians. A French Energetics technique is successful for 90% of cases within 4–6 treatments—using either LR 3, LR 8, and GB 34 circuit, or SP 6, SP 9, and ST 36 tonified at 2 Hz along Yin meridian with local points LI 8 to LI 11 as tender plus Ah Shi tender points. The underlying pathology is tendinosis (degeneration without inflammation); the local points are crucial to promote improved blood flow and organized scar tissue formation at the lateral epicondyle. If there is cervical pain referred from the elbows, then the neck should also be treated.

The full article can be found here

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Herbs that clear deficiency Heat

Qing Hao:

Qing Hao

– Clears summer-heat.

– Clears fever from deficiency.

– Cools the blood and stops bleeding.

– Checks malarial disorders.







Di Gu Pi:

Di Gu Pi

– Clears Heat & stops cough (Lung Heat). Used in “Xie Bai San”.

– Clears Heat & Cools Blood (bleeding).

– Drains Yin deficiency Fire (Yin deficiency with fever).

– Drains floating Fire in Kidney meridian (toothache).







Hu Huang Lian:

– Clears Heat from deficiency.

– Clears Heat and reduces childhood nutritional impairment.

– Drains damp-heat (diarrhea, dysentery).


Yin Chai Hu:

Yin Chai Hu

– Clears Yin deficiency Heat.

– Clears Heat and reduces childhood nutritional impairment.

– Cools Blood & stops bleeding.








Bai Wei:

Bai Wei

– Clears Heat and cools Blood (fever causing Heat to enter Blood).

– Cools Blood and promotes urination (Blood lin).

– Resolves toxicity and treats sores (swollen painful throat, snakebite).

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Chuan Bei and Mint Leaf with Honey



1. Tablespoon of Chuan Bei (Fritillaria Bulb). Chuan Bei is a bulbous  flowering plant often used in Chinese medicine to treat coughs or other lung conditions. It is cooling and enters the heart and lung meridians. It is typically used to moisten dry mucous membranes, loosen phlegm, and suppress coughing.
2. Teaspoon of Bo He (Mint Leaf).
3. Honey or crushed rock sugar to taste.
Cooking methods:
1. Rinse Chuan Bei. Drain, crush in half,  and set aside.
2. Rinse mint leaves, Discard stem to prevent bitter and tangy taste.
3. Put the semi-crushed fritillaria  in a ceramic bowl. Fill up the bowl with hot water and simmer for about 20-30 minutes, or until soft.
4. Add the mint leaves five minutes before finishing.
5. Add honey or crushed rock sugar to taste and mix well.
1. Clears heat, transforms phlegm, stops many types of cough.
2. Expels wind heat particularly from the head region – fever, headaches, red eyes, cough, sore throat.
3. Treat chronic, yin-deficient, difficult to expectorate phlegm, blood streaked
sputum; best for cough with stifling sensation in the chest.

Note: Mint leaves can be substituted by Asian pear. Just steam the pear with Chuan Bei together until soft. Add honey or crushed rock sugar to taste.

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Herbs that Clear Heat and Drain Dampness

All them are Bitter and Cold.

1. Huang Qin Radix Scutellariae

Radix Scutellarie

Properties: Bitter, Cold. Root.

Channels entered: Lung, Large Intestine, Stomach, Gallbladder. Strong effect in upper Jiao.

Actions and Indications:

  • Clears Heat and drains Dampness: use for interior Damp-Heat in Stomach, Large Intestine, Gallbladder or Lower Jiao. Jaundice, urinary tract infections, smelly burning diarrhea, overflowing edema in the legs, tidal fever worst in the afternoons.
  • Drains Fire and relieves toxicity: Heat entering Qi level. High fever, irritability, thirst. Swollen and sore throat, cough with yellow sputum, yellow nasal discharge, red tongue with yellow coat.
  • Cools Blood and stops bleeding: bleeding due to Blood Heat. Coughing with Blood streaking sputum, spitting-up Blood.
  • Clears Heat and calms fetus: fetus is restless or kicking excessively due to Heat.

Dosage: 3-10g. Use charred (Tan) to stop bleeding. Use wine fried (Jiu) to treat upper parts of the body. Use raw (Sheng) to clear Heat without Dampness. Use dry-fried (Zhi) to calm fetus. Strong effect in upper Jiao.

Caution: Spleen and Stomach deficiency, loose stool.

2. Huang Lian Rhizoma Coptidis

Rhizoma coptidis

Properties: Bitter, Cold.

Channels entered: Heart, Liver, Stomach, Large Intestine. Strong effect in middle Jiao.

Actions and Indications:

  • Clears Heat and dries Dampness: Damp-Heat in Stomach and Large Intestine with diarrhea, dysenteric disorder, or acid regurgitation. Digestive dysfunction due to Stomach Fire.
  • Drains Fire and relieves toxicity: carbuncles, lesions, toxic swellings. Red and painful eyes and ulceration of the tongue and mouth.
  • Clears Heat and stops bleeding: bleeding due to Blood Heat.
  • Clears Heart and Liver Fire: Heat with blazing Fire with symptoms like high fever, irritability. Miscommunication between Heart & Kidney, thirst, insomnia, irritability, dizziness, photophobia, headache, red face and eyes.

Dosage: 1.5-9g.

Caution: Stomach and Spleen deficiency, Yin deficiency and fluid damage.

3. Huang Bai Cortex Phellodendri

Cortex Phellodendri

Properties: Bitter, Cold.

Channels entered: Kidney, Bladder (lower Jiao).

Actions and Indications:

  • Drains Damp-Heat from the lower Jiao: hot Lin syndrome, thick yellow vaginal discharge, foul smelling diarrhea, dysentery.
  • Drains Fire and relieves toxicity: Fire toxin-generated sores, Damp skin lesions.
  • Drains Kidney Fire: ascending Kidney Fire due to Yin deficiency, insomnia, night sweats, steaming bone disorder, spermatorrhea or nocturnal emission, afternoon fevers.

Dosage: 3-12g.

Caution: Spleen and Stomach deficiency.

4. Long Dan Cao “Dragon Gallbladder grass” Radix Gentianae

Gentianae Radix, gentian root, Chinese gentian root

Properties: Bitter, Cold.

Part used: Root.

Channels entered: Liver, Gallbladder.

Actions and Indications:

  • Drains Damp-Heat from Liver and Gallbladder channel: red, swollen throat and eyes; swollen painful ears or sudden deafness; jaundice; bitter taste in mouth; heavy sensation; pain, swelling and Dampness in genital area; foul smelling vaginal discharge and itching; eczema. Used in Long Dan Xie Gan Tang “Gentiana Long Gan Cao decoction” to drain the Liver and Gallbladder for both Damp-Heat or excessive Heat or Fire. This formula includes Long Dan Cao, Chai Hu, Sheng Di Huang, Zhi Zi and Huang Qin.
  • Drains and pacifies excessive Liver and Gallbladder Fire: headache with red eyes; short temper; hypochondriac pain; Liver Wind-Heat causing spasms, convulsions, flank pain, high fever or tremors because lack of fluids can’t nourish sinews.

Dosage: 3-9g.

Caution: Spleen and Stomach deficiency, but 1g. before each meal helps to improve digestion.

5. Qin Pi Cortex Fraxini

Fraxini Cortex, fraxinus bark, Korean ash bark, ash bark.

Properties: Bitter, Cold, astringent.

Part used: Bark.

Channels entered: Gallbladder, Large Intestine, Liver, Stomach.

Actions and Indications:

  • Clear Heat, resolve toxicity, dry Dampness: particularly used for bloody dysenteric disorder in combination with Bai Tou Wang; foul smelling yellow vaginal discharge, yellow greasy tongue coat. Used in Bai Tou Tang to treat dysentry or diarrhea due to Damp-Heat.
  • Drains Liver Fire and benefits the eyes: red, swollen painful eyes, tearing.
  • Calms wheezing and stop cough: clears Lung Heat and causes Lung Qi to descend, cough, wheezing.

Dosage: 6-12g.

Caution: Spleen and Stomach deficiency Cold.

6. Ku Shen “bitter root” Radix Sophorae Flavescentis

Properties: Bitter, Cold.

Part used: Root.

Channels entered: Heart, Liver, Bladder, Large and Small Intestines.

Actions and Indications: An herb to clear Heat and dry Dampness, particularly good with infestations and lesions like scabies and eczema.

  • Clears Heat and dries Dampness: sores, dysenteric disorder, vaginal discharge, jaundice.
  • Disperses Wind, kills parasites, and stops itching: Damp toxin skin lesions or infestations with chronic itching. Vaginal discharge & tricomonas vaginitis. Eczema, scabies, infestations and lesions.
  • Clears Heat and promotes urination: painful urinary dysfunction due to Damp-Heat in Small Intestine and Bladder. Hot Lin, bloody Lin, stony Lin, turbid Lin syndromes.

Dosage: 3-9g.

Cautions: Incompatible with Li Lu

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Herbs that Clear Heat and Cool the Blood

1. Xi Jiao Rhinoceros Horn, Shui Niu Jiao Water buffalo horn

Properties: Salty, cold.

Channels entered: Heart, Liver, Stomach.

Actions and Indications:

  • Clear heat, relieve Fire toxicity, cool the Blood and arrest tremors: warm heat pathogen diseases accompanied with extreme Heat. High fever affecting the nutritive level or Blood level. Use in formulas Qing Ying Tang and Xi Jiao Di Huang Tang.

Dosage: 1.5-6g decoction; 16-60g Shui Niu Jiao.

2. Sheng Di Huang Radix Rehmanniae

Properties: Sweet, bitter, cold.

Channels entered: Heart, Liver, Kidney.

Actions and Indications:

  • Clears Heat and cools Blood: all warm febrile diseases where the heat enters the Yin and Blood. Hemorrhage due to Heat entering the Blood level.
  • Nourishes Yin and generates Fluids: Yin and Fluid deficiency with Heat. For patients with thirst, like diabetic patients.

Dosage: 9-15g, sometimes 30g. Steam with wine nourishes Blood and tonifies Kidney essence.

Notes: Used a lot in clinic practice, sticky, not good for people with Dampness. Patient should not have Dampness, sputum, phlegm, Spleen Qi deficiency.

3. Xuan Shen Radix Scrophulariae

Properties: Bitter, sweet, salty, cold.

Channels entered: Kidney, Lung, Stomach.

Actions and Indications:

  • Clears Heat and Cools Blood: warm febrile diseases when the Heat enters Yin or Blood level. Combine with Sheng Di Huang and Shui Niu Jiao.
  • Nourishes Yin and relieves toxicity: for sore throat due to Heat toxicity or Yin deficiency, combine with Niu Bang Zi, Bo He and Jin Yin Hua (honeysuckle). For carbuncles due to toxicity combine with Jin Yin Hua.
  • Softens harness and dissipates nodules: nodules due to Heat and phlegm accumulation, combine with oister shell.

Dosage: 9-15g.

Notes: Sticky nature. Incompatible with Li Lu; Mutual accentuation with Sheng Di Huang.

4. Mu Dan Pi Cortex Moutan (peony flower)

Properties: Acrid, bitter, slightly cold.

Channels entered: Heart, Kidney, Liver.

Actions and Indications:

  • Clear Heat and cool the Blood: warm febrile disease when the Heat enters Blood level, use in formula Xi Jiao Di Huang Tang.
  • Invigorates Blood and dispels Blood stasis: dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea and trauma due to Blood stasis.
  • Clears Fire from deficiency: Yin deficiency Heat such as steaming bone, tuberculosis, menopause, fever before period, early period.
  • Clears Liver Fire/Heat: for Liver Qi stagnation transforming into heat use in Jia Wei Xiao Yao Wan.
  • Sores, intestine abscess, appendicitis.

Dosage: 6-12g.

Caution: pregnant or excessive period woman.

5. Zi Cao Radix Lithospermi (purple grass; use root)

Properties: Sweet, cold.

Channels entered: Heart, Liver.

Actions and Indications:

  • Clears Heat, cools Blood, relieves Fire toxicity, vents rashes: encouraging rashes caused by warm-toxicity to surface. Burns or sores (make powder and mix with sesame oil).
  • Clears Damp-Heat from the skin: damp Heat skin lesions or vaginal itching (use internally or wash externally).
  • Moistens the intestines and unblocks the bowels.

Dosage: 3-10g.

Caution: patients with loose stool, diarrhea.

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Herbs that Clear Heat and Drain Fire

1. Shi Gao Gypsum (CaSO4.2H2O)

Properties: acrid, sweet, very cold. Mineral.

Channels entered: Lung, Stomach.

Actions and Indications:

  • Clears Heat and drains Fire: excessive heat at Qi-level (Four level diagnosis), Yangming channel stage disorder (Six channel diagnosis), use in formula Bai Hu Tang.
  • Clears Heat from Lungs and Stomach: cough and wheezing due to Lung Heat, use in formula Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang; headache and toothache due to Stomach Fire, combine with Sheng Ma. Can be used for the flu or combined with Ban Lan Gen in cases with high fever. Apply a paste for runny nose.
  • Generates flesh to heal the sores: externally used for eczema, burns, and ulcerated sores. Don’t use with open wounds.

Dosage: 15-60g, decocted first (unprepared) longer time, calcined to use topically as a powder (Duan Shi Gao).

Cautions: Don’t use in Spleen deficiency.

2. Zhi Mu Anemarrhenae Rhizoma (knowing mother)

Properties: bitter, sweet, cold. Root

Channels entered: Lung, Stomach, Kidney.

Actions and Indications:

  • Clears Heat, drains Fire: excessive Heat at Qi level. Enhances Shi Gao.
  • Enriches Yin and moistens dryness: Lung and Kidney Yin deficiency. Cough due to Lung Heat or Lung dryness, use in formula Er Mu San. Xiao Ke (diabetes due to Yin deficiency).
  • Generates fluid and clears Heat: empty heat due to Kidney Yin deficiency use in formula Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan. Costipation.

Dosage: 6-12g. Use raw to clear heat (excess heat). Prepare with salt to guide to Kidney for Xiao Ke (waste and thirst disorder).

Caution: patients with Spleen Qi deficiency and diarrhea.

3. Zhi Zi Gardenia fruit (know son)

Properties: bitter, cold.

Channels entered: Heart, Liver, Lung, Stomach, San Jiao.

Actions and Indications: Enters Qi level and Blood level. Treats 4 different levels: clears Heat, dries Dampness, Cools Blood, resolves toxicity).

  • Clears Heat and eliminates irritability: Heat syndrome with irritability or restlessness.
  • Clears Heat and dries Dampness: lin syndrome (painful frequent urination), jaundice due to damp-Heat.
  • Cools the Blood and stops bleeding (use charred): Blood Heat syndrome.
  • Reduces swelling and stops pain: carbuncles, furuncles due to Heat toxicity and traumatic injury. Combine with Jin Yin Hua (honeysuckle).

Dosage: 3-10g.

4. Dan Zhu Ye Lophatherum stem and leaves. Bland bamboo leaves.

Properties: sweet, bland, cold.

Channels entered: Heart, Small Intestine, Stomach.

Actions and Indications:

  • Clears Heat and eliminates irritability: Heat syndrome of Heart and Stomach. Insomnia, mouth ulcer, toothache.
  • Promotes urination and clears Damp-Heat: Heat in the Small Intestine channel. Painful burning urination (lin syndrome or Blood in urine).

Dosage: 6-9g.

5. Xia Ku Cao Prunella

Properties: bitter, acrid, cold.

Channels entered: Liver, Gallbladder.

Actions and Indications:

  • Clears the Liver and brightens the eyes: headache, dizziness, red painful eyes due to Liver Fire. Hypertension due to Liver Fire or Liver Yang raising.
  • Clears Heat and dissipates nodules: scrofula, lipoma, breast cancer, swollen glands or goiter due to phlegm Fire.

Dosage: 9-15g. Fresh:30-60g.

6. Lu Gen (Wei Jing) Reed Rhizoma

Properties: sweet, cold.

Channels entered: Lung, Stomach.

Actions and Indications:

  • Clears Heat and generates fluid: irritability, thirst due to heat syndrome. Yin deficiency. Cough with sticky, yellow sputum due to Lung Heat. Lung abscess with pus, foul smelling, use formula Wei Jing Tang.
  • Clears Heat and promotes urination: dark, scanty urine; measles. For lin syndrome combine with Dan Zhu Ye.
  • Alleviates irritability and stops vomiting: vomiting due to Stomach Fire, can combine with Sheng Jiang (fresh ginger). To alleviate irritability combine with Dan Zhu Ye.

7. Tian Hua Fen Trichosanthes Root

Properties: sweet, slightly bitter, cold.

Channels entered: Stomach, Lung.

Actions and Indications:

  • Drains Heat and generates fluid: thirst and irritability due to Heat injury fluid or yin deficiency, for example Xiao Ke or diabetes. Combine with Zhi Mu.
  • Clears and drains Lung Heat, transforms phlegm: cough with thick, yellow sputum due to phlegm Heat with Lung dryness.
  • Resolves toxicity and expels pus: carbuncles, breast abscess due to Heat toxicity. Anti cancer effect. Also inhibits HIV replication. Combine with Zhi Zi, Shi Gao, or Jin Yin Hua. Remember Bai Zhi also expels pus.

Dosage: 10-15g. Contraindicated in pregnancy (risk of abortion).

8. Jue Ming Zi Cassia Seeds

Properties: bitter, sweet, salty, slightly cold.

Channels entered: Liver, Large Intestine, Kidney.

Actions and Indications:

  • Clears Heat and benefits eyes: eye problems from Heat or Wind-Heat in the Liver channel and Liver and Kidney Yin deficiency.
  • Calms Liver: headache, dizziness due to Liver Yang rising. Hypertension or high cholesterol.
  • Moisten Intestine and unblock bowel (make tea): dry or infrequent stools or chronic constipation due to interior Heat.

Dosage: 10-15g. Tea: 20-30g. Should not cook too long, specially for constipation.

9. Qing Xiang Zi, Ming Meng Hua, Gu Jing Cao

Properties: sweet, slightly cold.

Channels entered: Liver.

Actions and Indications:

  • Clear Heat from Liver channel to benefit eyes, eliminate superficial visual obstruction:red, swollen eyes and superficial visual obstruction due to Liver Fire.
  • Qing Xiang Zi: stronger effect to clearing Liver Fire.
  • Ming Meng Hua: also nourishing Liver can treat eye problem due to both excess and deficiency.
  • Gu Jing Cao: stronger effect to treat eye problem due to Wind-Heat.


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Cold acrid herbs that release the Exterior

1. Bo He Mentha

Properties: Acrid, aromatic, cool

Channels entered: Liver, Lung

Actions and Indications:

  • Disperses Wind-heat: Wind-Heat syndrome, use formula Yin Qiao San.
  • Clears Heat and eyes and benefits the throat: sore throat, red eyes, and headache due to Wind-Heat.
  • Vents rashes: early stage of rashes.
  • Disperses constrained Liver Qi: circulates constrained Liver Qi, use formula Xiao Yao Wan.

Dosage: 3-6g Use leaves to induce sweating disperse Wind-Heat. Use stems to disperse Qi.

2. Niu Bang Zi Great burdock fruit

Properties: Acrid, bitter, cool

Channels entered: Lung, Stomach

Actions and Indications:

  • Disperses Wind-Heat: Wind-heat syndrome.
  • Benefits the throat.
  • Clears Heat and relieves toxicity: early stage of measles, constipation caused by internal Heat.
  • Vents rashes: red swelling, carbuncles, mumps and acute febrile maculopapule rashes.

Dosage: 3-10g

3. Sang Ye White mulberry leaf

Properties: Acrid, bitter, cool

Channels entered: Lung, Stomach

Actions and Indications:

  • Expels Wind and clears Heat from the Lung: Wind-Heat syndrome and Lung dryness, use formula Sang Ju Yin.
  • Clears the Liver and eyes: eye problems due to either Liver fire, Wind-Heat or Yin deficiency. Use decoction to wash eyes.
  • Clears Lungs and nourishes dryness: Yin deficiency. To moisten dryness use honey fried.
  • Cools the Blood and stops bleeding (like Jing Jie): mild vomiting of Blood due to heat in the Blood.

Dosage: 5-10g

4. Ju Hua Chrysanthemum flower

Properties: Sweet, bitter, slightly cold

Channels entered: Liver, Lung

Actions and Indications:

  • Expels Wind and clears Heat: Wind-Heat syndrome, use formula Sang Ju Yin.
  • Clears the Liver and eyes: red, painful dry eyes due to Wind-Heat, combine with Sang Ye. Blur vision or dizziness due to Yin deficiency of Liver and Kidney, use formula Qi Ju Di Huang Wan.
  • Calms the Liver and extinguishes Wind: dizziness, headache, and deafness due to ascending of Liver Yang.

Dosage: 5-15g. Yellow flower has better effect for Wind. White flower has better effect for Liver and eyes. Drink eat to clear heat and benefit eyes. Tea also lowers blood cholesterol, anti-fatigue, good for migraine headache, lowers blood pressure, and helps hair loss and greasy scalp.

5. Chai Hu Bupleurum

Properties: Bitter, acrid, cool

Channels entered: Liver, Gall Bladder

Actions and Indications:

  • Releases exterior and reduces fever: Shaoyang stage of externally contracted disorders, use formula Xiao Chai Hu Tang. Use large dose (10-30g) raw.
  • Circulates Liver Qi and relieves constraint: constrained Liver Qi, use formula Xiao Yao Wan (this formula also regulates menstruation, relieves PMS, and is considered to have anti-aging effects). Use medium dose (5-10g) prepared in vinegar.
  • Raises Yang Qi in pattern of Spleen Qi sinking/collapse: Spleen Qi sinking down derived from Spleen Qi deficiency, use formula Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang. Use small dose (2-5g) prepared in wine.

Dosage: 3-9g in general.

6. Ge Gen Kudzu Root

Properties: Sweet, acrid, cool. Ascending nature.

Channels entered: Spleen, Stomach

Actions and Indications:

  • Releases muscles and clears Heat: fever, stiff or tight upper back and neck due to exterior disorder lodged in the muscles. Use raw. If due to Wind-Cold combine with Ma Huang.
  • Generates fluids and alleviates thirst: thirst due to Stomach Heat, diabetes.
  • Vents measles: measles with incomplete expression of rash. Combine with Bo He and Niu Bang Zi.
  • Alleviates diarrhea (use charred or roasted): diarrhea or dysenteric disorder (from Damp Heat in Large Intestine or from Spleen Qi deficiency, root does not matter), use in formula Ge Gen Qin Liang Tang.
  • Hypertension: lowers Blood pressure.

Dosage: 9-21g

7. Sheng Ma Bugbance Rhizome

Properties: Sweet, acrid, slightly cold. Root.

Channels entered: Spleen, Stomach, Lung, Large Intestine.

Actions and Indications:

  • Releases exterior and vents measles (use raw): headache due to Wind-Heat or early stage of measles. Combine with Ge Gen.
  • Clear Heat and relieve toxicity: various symptoms of fire toxin in upper or superficial aspects of the body, mouth ulcer.
  • Raise Yang and lifts the sinking (use prepared in honey): prolapse symptom due to middle Jiao deficiency, use in formula Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang. Combine with Chai Hu.
  • Guides the effects of other herbs upwards.

Dosage: 3-10g. Large doses use for headache and stiffness of extremities.

8. Chan Tui Cicada moulting

Properties: Sweet, salty, slightly cold. Bugs.

Channels entered: Liver, Lung.

Actions and Indications:

  • Expels Wind (internal and external) and clears Heat: Wind-Heat syndrome.
  • Vents rashes: early stage of measles. Combine with Ge Gen or Niu Bang Zi.
  • Clears eyes removes superficial visual obstruction: Wind-Heat eyes problems. Combine with Gan Cao or mung bean.
  • Stops spasms and extinguishes wind: convulsion, spasm, delirium due to childhood febrile disease, tetanus.
  • In certain classics its powder is recommended for difficult delivery because it promotes circulation.

9. Man Jing Zi Vitex Fruit

Properties: Bitter, acrid, cold.

Channels entered: Bladder, Liver, Stomach.

Actions and Indications:

  • Disperses Wind and clears Heat: Wind-Heat syndrome with headache or eyes pain. Add to any type of headache, including migraine headache.
  • Clears and benefits head and eyes: eyes problems due to Liver channel Wind-Heat. Combine with Chan Tui.

Dosage: 6-12g

10. Dan Dou Chi Prepared soy bean

Properties: Acrid, sweet, slightly bitter, cool or warm.

Channels entered: Lung, Stomach.

Actions and Indications:

  • Releases exterior: Wind-Heat or Wind-Cold syndrome. Mild function to induce sweating.
  • Eliminate irritability: irritability, restlessness, stifling sensation in the chest, and insomnia following a febrile disorder due to constrained Heat in the chest, use in formula Zhi Zi Chi Tang.

Dosage: 10-15g

11. Mu Zei Equistum

Properties: Sweet, bitter, neutral.

Channels entered: Lung, Liver.

Actions and Indications:

  • Disperses Wind-heat, clears eyes and reduces superficial visual obstruction: red pain, swelling, clouding eyes or blurred vision, excessive tearing due to Wind-heat.

Dosage: 3-10g

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Warm acrid herbs that release the Exterior

1. Ma Huang Ephedrae Herba

Properties: Acrid, slightly bitter, warm. Stem.

Channels entered: Lung, Bladder.

Actions and Indications:

  • Induces sweating and releases the exterior: Strong inducing sweating effect. For exterior Wind-Cold excess Cold with no sweating. Use in formula Ma Huang Tang (Ma Huang, Gui Zhi, Xing Ren, Gan Cao). Use raw.
  • Disseminates and facilitates Lung Qi. Calms wheezing ans stops coughing: For cough and wheezing due to pathogen obstructing the Lungs. Prepare stir fry with honey. Use in formula San Ao Tang (Ma Huang, Gan Cao). Ma Huang can also be used to treat wind heat if its warm nature is reduced by a cold herb, such as Shi Gao, in the formula Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang (Ma Huang, Xing Ren, Shi Gao, Gan Cao).
  • Promotes urination and reduces edema: For edema that accompanies an exterior condition. Use raw. Can combine with Fu Ling.

Dosage: 3-10g.

Cautions: Deficiency, spontaneous sweating, night sweats, wheezing associated with kidney deficiency.

Side effect: Increases blood pressure (caution with hypertension patients).

Notes. Mostly used to treat edema. Use raw to release exterior and for edema. Stir fry with honey to treat Lung and stop cough. Overdose may cause the following symptoms, from least to worse:  headache, tinnitus, dizziness, red face, sweating, nausea, vomiting, heart and chest pain, hypertension, pupil enlargement, retention of urine.

2. Gui Zhi Ramuulus Cinnamomi

Properties: Acrid, sweet, warm.

Channels entered: Heart, Lung, Bladder.

Actions and Indications:

  • Releases the exterior: For exterior Wind-Cold deficiency Cold, with prevalence of Wind with sweating. Use in formula Gui Zhi Tang.
  • Warms and unblocks the channels and collaterals: For Wind-cold-damp painful obstruction. Helps circulation of Blood. Helps treat dysmenorrhea or painful period, headache during period, fybroids due to Blood stasis, endometriosis, pelvic inflammation, tumors in pelvic cavity.
  • Assists the Heart Yang and unblocks the Yang Qi: For Chest Bi syndrome localized in the Heart. Use in formula Zhi Gan Cao Tang.
  • Warms the Yang and transforms thin water: For phlegm fluid (cold condition, need to warm), edema (dampness, water retention). Use in formula Wu Ling San.

Contraindications: Pregnancy, menstruation, bleeding, Yang excess.

Dosage: 3-10g.

3. Zi Su Ye Folium Perillae

Properties: Acrid, aromatic, warm.

Channels entered: Lung, Spleen.

Actions and Indications:

  • Releases exterior and disperses Cold: For Wind-Cold invasion together with interior Qi stagnation.
  • Promotes the movement of Qi and expands the chest: For Spleen/Stomach Qi stagnation with distending pain, vomiting, diarrhea, bloating. For stabbing sensation in the chest. Also for spotting between periods.
  • Resolves seafood poisoning: Combine with Sheng Jiang (ginger).
  • Calms fetus: For morning sickness.

Dosage: 3-10g.

4. Jing Jie Herba Schizonepetae

Properties: Acrid, slightly warm. Spike

Channels entered: Lung, Liver.

Actions and Indications:

  • Releases exterior and expels Wind: For exterior syndrome of both Wind-Cold and Wind-Heat.
  • Vents rashes and alleviates itching: For initial stage of measles and pruritic skin eruption. Alleviates itching.
  • Stops bleeding (prepare charred): For hemorrhage (blood in stool/urine).

Dosage: 3-10g. Cook shorter time (aromatic).

Usually combined with Fang Feng.

5. Fang Feng Radix Saposhnikoviae

Properties: Acrid, sweet, slightly warm. Root.

Channels entered: Bladder, Liver, Spleen.

Actions and Indications:

  • Releases exterior and expels Wind (exterior and interior Wind): For headache, chills, and body aches due to exterior Wind-Cold. Also for tetanus or deviated mouth due to exterior Wind. For person who catch Cold easily use in formula Yu Ping Feng San (Huang Qi, Bai Zhu, Fang Feng).
  • Expels Wind-Dampness and alleviates pain: For exterior Wind-Dampness painful obstruction (joint pain, painful Bi syndrome).
  • Relieves spasm and diarrhea: For painful diarrhea due to Liver stagnation attacking Spleen, use in formula Tong Xie Yao Fang (Bai Zhu, Bai Shao, Fang Feng, Chen Pi).

Dosage: 3-10g. Cook shorter time (aromatic).

Usually combined with Jing Jie.

6. Qiang Huo Rhizoma seu Radix Notopterygii

Properties: Acrid, bitter, aromatic, warm.

Channels entered: Bladder, Kidney.

Actions and Indications:

  • Releases exterior and disperses Cold: For exterior Wind-Cold with Dampness (heavy sensation).
  • Expels Dampness and alleviates pain: For Wind-Cold-Damp painful Bi syndrome in the upper back and upper limbs, use formula Juan Bi Tang.
  • Guides Qi to Taiyang and Du channels: For Taiyang headache or migraine headache located in the back (occipital headache). Perfect if common cold and occipital headache.

Dosage: 3-10g.

7. Bai Zhi Radix Angelicae Dahuricae

Properties: Acrid, warm. Root white color. Used a lot in clinic.

Channels entered: Lung, Stomach, Spleen.

Actions and Indications:

  • Releases exterior and disperses Wind: For exterior Wind-Cold with headache and stuffy nose, use in formula Jiu Wei Qiang Huo Tang.
  • Opens orifices: For nose, nasal congestion, stuffy nose. For sinus congestion use in formula Cang Er Si San.
  • Alleviates pain: For headache and toothache of Yangming meridian (frontal headache), chronic sinusitis, Wind-Cold-Damp pain. For exterior headache use in formula Chuan Xiong Cha Tiao San. For toothache burn with fire and smell the smoke.
  • Expels Dampness and alleviates discharge: For vaginal discharge from dampness. Combine with Bai Zhu and Fu Ling, strengthen Spleen.
  • Reduces swelling and expels pus: For superficial sores and carbuncles, also pus formed. Pus is result of Heat toxicity, so need to combine with herbs to counteract warm nature such as Jin Yin Hua (honeysuckle).

Dosage: 3-10g.

8. Xi Xin Herba Asari

Properties: Acrid, warm, a little toxicity. Stem, leaves and root.

Channels entered: Lung, Kidney, Heart.

Actions and Indications:

  • Disperses Cold and releases exterior: For common cold from Wind-Cold.
  • Open, unblock orifices: For nasal congestion, use formula Cang Er Zi San plus Xi Xin to achieve stronger effect. For acute loss of consciousness, blow the powder’s into patient’s nose.
  • Relieves pain due to its moving and dispersing nature: For Shaoying headache (chronic, no real location), toothache (make a decoction and rinse mouth; for children with mouth ulcer make powder and apply to umbilical area.), body pain/Bi syndrome (use in formula Du Huo Ji Sheng Tang).
  • Warms the Lungs and transforms thin pathogenic fluid: For exterior Cold and interior thin Phlegm in the Lung use in formula Xiao Qing Long Tang.

Dosage: 1-3g.

9. Gao Ben Rhizoma Ligustici

Properties: Acrid, warm.

Channels entered: Bladder.

Actions and Indications:

  • Disperses Cold and dispels Wind: Foe Wind-Cold syndrome of common cold, especially with jueyin headache or vertex pain. Powerful ascending nature reaches the vertex to treat Wind-Cold invading Taiyang meridian.
  • Overcomes Dampness and alleviates pain: For Wind-Cold-Damp Bi syndrome. For abdomen pain due to Cold stagnating Liver meridian in patients suffering from Stomach/Spleen disharmony. Also for bad breath.

Dosage: 3-10g.

10. Cang Er Zi Fructus Xanthil

Properties: Acrid, bitter, warm, a little toxicity (be careful when Liver function is impaired).

Channels entered: Lung.

Actions and Indications:

  • Disperses Wind, removes Dampness, unblocks orifices (like Bai Zhi and Xi Xin), relieves pain: For headache from Wind-Cold, nasal, sinus problem (Bi Yuan or sinusitis) with a thick yellow discharge use in formula Cang Er Zi San. For Bi syndrome. For skin disorders (internal and external) with itching or greasy skin.

Dosage: 3-10g.

11. Sheng Jiang fresh ginger, very important herb.

Properties: Acrid, slightly warm.

Channels entered: Lung, Spleen, Stomach.

Actions and Indications:

  • Releases exterior and disperses Cold: For exterior Cold. Combine ginger with brown sugar. In formulas combine with jujube or Chinese date.
  • Warms the Stomach and alleviates vomiting: For Cold in Stomach, especially with vomiting. For stop vomiting effect prepare herbs with ginger juice or Sheng Jiang Zhi. Best use for Stomach Cold. In cases of overdrinking alcohol drink ginger tea to recover.
  • Warms Lung and stops cough: For cough due to both acute wind-cold cough patterns and chronic Lung disorders with phlegm.
  • Resolves toxicity: Resolves toxixity from other herbs.
  • Sheng Jiang Pi treats edema.

Dosage: 3-10g.

12. Xiang Ru aromatic madder (summer Ma Huang)

Properties: Acrid, aromatic, slightly warm.

Channels entered: Lung, Stomach.

Actions and Indications:

  • Induces sweating and releases the exterior: For Wind-Cold in summer (with Dampness). Induces strong sweating effect.
  • Promotes urination and reduces swelling for edema: For edema and urinary difficulty, especially with an exterior pattern.

Dosage: 3-10g. Use larger dose to promote urination treat edema.

13. Cong Bai spring onion (white part)

Properties: Acrid, aromatic, slightly warm.

Channels entered: Lung, Stomach.

Actions and Indications:

  • Induces sweating and releases the exterior:
  • Disperses Cold and unblocks Yang: For patients with diarrhea or mild Yang deficiency. For lack of lactation. For scanty urination (make a soup).

14. Xin Yi Hua magnolia flower

Properties: Acrid, warm.

Channels entered: Lung, Stomach.

Actions and Indications:

  • Expels Wind-Cold and unblocks the nasal passages.

Combine with Cang Er Zi.

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Herbs that promote lactation

Mu Tong: drain Damp. Promotes urination, unblocks painful urinary dysfunction, and drains heat from heart. Promotes lactation and unblocks vessels. Guan Mu Tong is toxic. Chuan Mu Tong is not toxic when used in appropriate doses.

Tong Cao: drain Damp. Promotes urination and clears heat. Promotes lactation. Commonly used with pig’s feet, fish, peanut, or papaya to promote lactation.

Jie Geng: transform phlegm and stop cough. Disseminate Lung Qi and expel phlegm. Promote discharge of pus. Guides other herbs to upper body regions.

Lou Lu: clear heat. Clear heat toxicity and reduce sores and swelling (good for breast abscess). Promotes lactation. For lack of milk due to heat conditions.

Chuan Shan Jia: regulate Blood. Disperses Blood stasis and unblocks meridians. Reduces swelling and promotes discharge of pus.

Wang Bu Liu Xing: regulate Blood. Promotes movement of Blood and invigorates the channels. Promotes urination. Reduces swelling.

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